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Lot Division
1 or 2 Lots


State Permits

Federal Permits

Property owners sometimes create 1 or 2 lots out of their property.  We review the historical status of the original property to ensure that the division is within the statutory limits, and offer guidance to ensure that the original property and the divided lots are best protected for future use.

We engage in full subdivision projects that use existing roads and utilities, as well as designing new access roads with multiple building sites that meet municipal requirements through the local Planning Board.

Projects that occur close to water bodies may have activites that are governed by the Maine Department of Environmental Protection.  The DEP oversees rules and guidelines that protect water resources. We offer services to apply for permits within the jurisdiction of the DEP thru the Permit-By-Rule and the NRPA permitting processes.

We offer Elevation Certificates at the federal level, which are used by financial institutions and insurance companies.  We also offer a LOMA, which is a Letter of Map Amendment. This package of data is used to amend, or change, the flood zone data that is currently available through the Federal Insurance Rate Maps.

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